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unity in community

This tag is associated with 3 posts

Unity in Community’s John Lewis Day of Action Rally

July 22. Unity in Community hosted its John Lewis Day of Action Rally to commemorate the life and legacy of the late US Rep. John Lewis on the fourth anniversary of his death. The rally brought together individuals of all political affiliations to advocate for voting rights and civic participation. The event focused on legislation […]

Unity in Community North Mecklenburg hosting John Lewis Day of Action Rally Wednesday

July 15. On Wednesday, July 17, Unity in Community North Mecklenburg is hosting a John Lewis National Day of Commemoration and Action event on the four-year mark of the passing of Rep. John Lewis, joining more than 80 events nationwide. During the event, they will call on Congress to pass legislation to protect the freedom […]

Unity in Community large group meeting is April 20

March 22. Unity in Community North Mecklenburg will hold its quarterly large group meeting from 10 am to noon April 20 at the Davidson united Methodist Church Chapel at 302 S. Main. The theme is Rally for Action: Be inspired! Feel empowered! Take action! Quotable “If you question whether or not your vote matters. If […]