Aug. 7. By Dave Yochum. Dr. Michael Miltich is still the mayor pro tem of Cornelius after complaints from two women making them feel uncomfortable officially came before the entire Town Board.
A motion by Commissioner Denis Bilodeau to strip Miltich of the mayor pro tem role failed for lack of a second at the Town Board meeting Monday night. Commissioner Dave Gilroy, who said he told Miltich “he has a problem, a significant problem,” explained he was not convinced the concerns about the prominent surgeon’s behavior were a town matter.
Bilodeau acknowledged Miltich’s hard work on behalf of the town, but pointed out that he was warned once about his behavior and the potential liability to the town.
Concerns about Miltich’s behavior were first brought to the attention of the town two years ago by the Ada Jenkins Center’s executive director. They were addressed by the town attorney and then-Mayor Chuck Travis behind closed doors.
Miltich noted that Krueger did not in any way specify her concerns, except to say he made her feel uncomfortable.
Miltich was officially admonished by the town attorney at the time: “Your conduct also increases legal liability risk for the Town. If there were to be future complaints about you, there would be evidence of a pattern of behavior that could create liability for the Town. Additionally, there is obviously reputational risk to the Town.”
But it may have happened again. Weekly newspaper reporter Cassie Fambro contacted the town about Miltich’s behavior in June, saying it was inappropriate as well. While some town officials seem to indicate they aren’t sure if Fambro’s complaints are authentic, Town Manager Andrew Grant recently acknowledged in an email that there are two sets of complaints involving Miltich.
Krueger’s concerns officially came to light—it had been an open secret in Town Hall—when 2017 commission candidate Michelle Ferlauto filed a Freedom of Information request regarding the meeting, not once, but twice.
Ferlauto lost, and Miltich was the highest vote-getter, earning him the traditional and largely ceremonial title of mayor pro tem.
Last night, Fambro said she would be “happy to provide” the all-male board with any information they need regarding her complaints.
While town officials promised a “thorough investigation” of Miltich’s actions, Fambro make it clear they had not spoken to her as of late last night.
“I haven’t received any communication from the town besides the initial receipt of the complaint. If they called, I did not receive it. I would have called back. I definitely have never received an email. I am happy to provide them with any information they need, if they need any more,” Fambro told Cornelius Today.
Miltich told Cornelius Today he and his wife Ann “are relieved that this is resolved.”
“As commissioner, I have and will continue to be focused on making the decisions and managing change in the best interest of all of Cornelius,” he said.