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Cornelius News

Current town board is expected to defer new building plan to newly elected commissioners

Nov. 9. By Dave Vieser. Rezoning for a six-story building on vacant land at the corner of Bethel Church and Jetton Extension will be one of the first projects to come before the town’s newly elected commissioners.

Complies with new Village Center

The project is a request by attorney Justin Ckezepis (pronounced kuh-ZEP-is) to rezone approximately one half acre at 19615 Bethel Church for a six-story mixed-use building. Four stories will be commercial; the top two residential.

The current zoning is Village Center, with up to eight residential units and three stories allowed by right and up to six stories allowed under Conditional Zoning.

Sixteen underground parking spaces are planned beneath the building; an existing adjoining parking lot will remain.


The first public presentation is scheduled for Monday Nov. 15 before the outgoing town board. “Since notices had already been sent to the general public, we are required to allow any members of the public to speak on the 15th,” said Deputy Town Manager Wayne Herron.

“However, Mr. Ckezepis has agreed that the case should be continued until Dec. 6th so he can receive input from the new board before finalizing any plans for final Board review in 2022,” Herron said.

“We appreciate Planning Staff reaching out to our team about moving the date and we were happy to agree. A lot of positive feedback about the project thus far and we look forward to hearing what the new commissioners thoughts are on our specific request,” Ckezepis said.