Using Johns Hopkins University’s data, Cornelius Today compiled a chart of new confirmed cases of COVID-19 per day from May 17 through June 16 in NC. While it appears that NC numbers of COVID-19 contraction are on the rise, it is important to note that anomalies may occur in data reporting and testing. The state’s average number of new daily cases since May 17 is 896 and its median is 884. The past 7-day average and median are significantly higher, at 1,240 and 1,246, respectively. The increasing 7-day aggregates indicate both an upward trend in confirmed cases and more accessibility to testing. On June 16, Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Systems Science and Engineering reported 793 new cases.
June 17. By Dave Yochum. Coronavirus cases in Mecklenburg and statewide are continuing to increase as county officials begin to discuss the possibility of requiring that face masks be worn in public.
Mecklenburg County commissioners do not have authority to mandate masks without the agreement of the six towns in the county.

County Commissioner Pat Cotham said many residents say they struggle with wearing masks for a variety of reasons.
“I worry about people being shamed by others who might not understand why they choose not to wear a mask,” Cotham said, explaining that she wears a mask when she is out.
“But if a mom is with her child who has a hearing problem and she is not wearing a mask….I trust her to do what is best for her family,” Cotham said.
Ninety-five new cases were reported in Mecklenburg as of noon Wednesday by the NC Dept. of Health & Human Services. Mecklenburg County is one of nine counties being closely monitored by NCDHHS.
The total county-wide is now 7,563, with 130 deaths—up one from yesterday—since the state started tracking the outbreak in March.
Statewide total cases went up as well, with an increase of 1,002 overnight, for a total of 46,855. Sadly, the increase in COVID-19 cases was smaller on Monday and Tuesday, coming off larger increases last week.
Data from Johns Hopkins University still shows the median of recent gains are stronger than median of the past 30 days.
The median number of new cases statewide during the past week is 1,246 according to JHU. Over the past month it was 884, an indication that the novel coronavirus continues to spread. Testing, however, is way up: 667,422 as of noon today.
Deaths statewide rose 14 overnight to a total of 1,168 since tracking began, according to NCDHHS.
Total hospitalizations due to COVID-19 statewide reached 846, up 17 from 829 yesterday. One week ago there were 780 hospitalized due to the coronavirus.
Forty-five percent of cases are among Hispanics, while 92 percent of deaths are among non-Hispanics
Mecklenburg medians past 7 days vs past 31 days

For a more regional context, Mecklenburg has had a 7-day running average accounting for 20.61 percent of the state-wide cases per day. It is unlikely Mecklenburg has had days with zero new cases in the past week and month, as the chart suggests, but actually anomalies in testing and reporting. This is especially apparent as Cornelius Today notices significant dips in North Carolina’s daily new cases which coincide with the same days Mecklenburg reported zero cases. Yesterday, Cornelius Today reported a 7-day running average of around 18 percent. The two percent increase accounts for June 9’s zero cases dropping from the 7-day running average in the span of June 10 through June 16.