The owner of Pho NC plans to re-open after ordered supplies are received.
Jan. 24. By TL Bernthal. Pho NC in Peninsula Village has a new re-opening soon sign, but the exact date is still up in air.

Cindy Trang
Josie Pais, who considers owner Nguyen “Cindy” Trang family, said there’s not a definite date because products need to be replaced. Although orders have been placed, the goods haven’t arrived yet.
They don’t know when products will arrive and it’s very frustrating, Pais said.
An electrical fire Aug. 2 essentially gutted the restaurant, leavingCornelius resident Trang with no income. A GoFundMe page was set up to help Trang and her son. As of today, the GoFund Me raised $4,850 of a $30,000 goal. Insurance paid for less than half the damage, Pais has said.