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Cornelius News

Washam’s lead narrows to 5 votes in mayoral race; recount requested

Denis Bilodeau (left), Woody Washam (right)

Nov. 17. [UPDATE 3 PM] By Dave Yochum. After outstanding absentee ballots and provisional ballots were counted last night, Mayor Woody Washam’s lead over challenger Denis Bilodeau has dwindled from 13 votes to five.

Bilodeau, a town commissioner, has asked for a recount.

NEW: The Meck Board of Elections has completed the recount. Washam has won by 5 votes.

The Mecklenburg County Board of Elections will meet at 11 am for the “canvass” where they will certify the results. The recount will be conducted immediately after the canvas.

Mayor Washam

The final numbers, pending a recount are:

Washam 2,779
Bilodeau 2,774
Write-In: 37


An additional 19 absentee ballots were counted last night; 11 of those were for Bilodeau and 8 were for Washam. That reduced the margin from 13 votes on Election Night to 10.

Commissioner Bilodeau

Overall absentee result: 31 for Bilodeau; 30 for Washam.

There were 14 provisional ballots approved and counted.

Nine were for Bilodeau and five were for Washam, reducing the margin from 10 to five.

Political advisors say they expected the recount will confirm this result.

Results for mayor and commission