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This tag is associated with 2 posts

Cornelius town board calls for a timeout on I77 toll lanes.

Resolution seeking 90 day moratorium heading for the Governor By Dave Vieser. With a large turnout of residents looking on, the Cornelius Town Board unanimously passed a resolution at their May 4 meeting calling on the state to impose a 90-day moratorium regarding the I-77 toll lane project. The unprecedented action comes just days before the […]

More developments around I-77 Public-private finance plan.

Letter from Vince Winegardner: As you may know, The TIFIA Credit Council recommended approval for Federal taxpayer backing for $189 million.  It is probable Cintra/I77 Mobility Partners will gain bond market approval for this key bond and the NC DOT will sign the FC before the May 17th deadline.  This final step had been delayed for […]