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Photo | ASC WorkshOpportunities

Looking for emerging arts leaders to Lead with Your Talent

April 20. Lead with Your Talents is a leadership development program targeting emerging leaders in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg nonprofit arts and culture community. This program, designed and facilitated by Angelina Corbet, founder of The Mobius Co., and Bill Southerland of Anchors Consulting makes use of the Highlands Ability Battery. The program provides opportunities for participants to […]

Photo | ASC WorkshOpportunities

Looking for emerging arts leaders to Lead with Your Talent

April 3. Lead with Your Talents is a leadership development program targeting emerging leaders in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg nonprofit arts and culture community. This program, offered through the ASC, is designed and facilitated by Angelina Corbet, founder of The Mobius Co., and Bill Southerland of Anchors Consulting . It makes use of the Highlands Ability Battery. […]