Junker property rezoning sketch
June 1. Veteran North Meck developer Jake Palillo is submitting revised plans for a mixed-use project on West Catawba that would include 250 apartments and space for offices and restaurants. The Planning Board will hold a public hearing on the rezoning request at 5:30 pm today June 1.
The revisions come after opposition from nearby residents and a denial recommendation from the members of the Planning Board. The project would encompass 12 acres just east of Junker Drive.
The changes in the proposal were outlined in a letter to the town dated May 14, from Sean Paone of the design firm Cole Jenest and Stone. The total proposed residential unit count shown on the Rezoning Plan is 250 units. The petition proposes 5,000 square feet of restaurant space and 5,000 square feet of retail/fitness space.
The Planning Board has three options:
1. Table a decision to the June 14 Planning Board meeting.
2. Find the application inconsistent with the Land Use Plan and recommend DENIAL to the
Town Board.
3. Find the application inconsistent with the Land Use Plan but consistent with the Town
Land Development Code and recommend approval to the Town Board with conditions.
The hearing on June 1 begins at 5:30 pm, and will be fed live on www.cornelius.org.