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Cornelius News

Public comment period open till 8 pm on Alexander Farm development

Sept. 22. By Dave Vieser. Residents have until 8 pm today, Sept. 22 to comment on the $110 million mixed-use development planned for the 55-acre Alexander Farm in Cornelius.

To comment, email: townofcornelius@cornelius.org

The Town Board Public Hearing, held Monday evening, attracted in person comments from six attendees but the town will keep the comment period open until 8 pm tonight. Among the comments offered at the meeting Monday:

—Resident Mike Scott, who lives adjacent to the site, bemoaned the fact that so much green space will go away. “Today when I sit on my patio I see trees, but that’s going to end and I regret that.”

—Jeanne Welch, from the Admirals Quarters development across West Catawba, urged the town to ensure that the promised traffic improvements are done before building begins.

—Tom Rider, who also lives on the other side of West Catawba, said he generally supports the project but is concerned about the ability to safely cross West Catawba on foot.

—Former Mayor Gary Knox reminded the commissioners that the Alexander family has maintained the farm for decades but are now ready to move on. “Their property rights need to be protected,” he said. Knox had the listing for the former farm.