Nov. 17. By Dave Yochum. Veteran Town Commissioner Thurman Ross has survived a recount in the 11-way Cornelius Town Board race. Provisional votes were certified this morning at the Mecklenburg County Board of Elections and re-counted, with Ross holding onto fifth place. He finished six votes ahead of two-term commissioner Jim Duke, 1,896 votes to 1,890.
“We signed the final official results at 11 am,” said Board of Elections spokeswoman Kristin Mavromatis. “We began the recount at 11:30 am and it is completed with no change in the numbers.” The final result leaves one African American on an otherwise all-white board. It will also remain all men. Three women who ran—Ava Callender, Michelle Ferlauto and Tricia Sisson—lost their first bids for public office.
Newcomers Kurt Naas and Denis Bilodeau—both residents of The Peninsula—were elected to the board, with Dr. Mike Miltich, winning the most votes. He had 2,046 votes, only 156 votes ahead of Duke, who lost. It’s clearly not an end to Duke’s public service however. A former president of the Peninsula Property Owners Association, Duke also ran a task force that examined outrageous water bills, ultimately causing an upheaval at the Charlotte Water Department.

“I absolutely intend to keep him engaged. Jim Duke is smart and experienced in all aspects of town government,” said Mayor-elect Woody Washam. Duke, who has good relations with the incoming mayor and Ross, said he asked for a recount for the sake of campaign donors. His campaign report lists $17,000 in expenses.