Using Johns Hopkins University data, we have compiled new confirmed cases of COVID-19 per day in NC from May 25 through June 24. The state’s average number of new daily cases since May 25 is 1,070 while the median is 1,027. The past 7-day average and median are higher, at 1,370 and 1,372, respectively.
June 25. A day after Gov. Roy Cooper extended Phase 2 and mandated face masks in public, at least 57,183 people in North Carolina have tested positive for the coronavirus and 1,290 have died, up 19 from yesterday.
The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services on Wednesday reported an additional 1,009 cases of the virus, down from 1,721 new cases reported on Wednesday.
Over the past seven days, according to data from Johns Hopkins University, the median daily number of new cases was 1,372, up 33.5 percent from 1,027 the median monthly number of new cases. Earlier this week the gap in a week’s worth of daily new COVID-19 cases and a month’s worth of daily new cases was running 24-27 percent during the past few days.
Hospitalizations also fell, down 15 to 891 as of noon today, but still considerably more than the 812 hospitalized two weeks ago and 857 hospitalized as of one week ago.
The direction of the COVID-19 data brought any idea of Phase 3 reopening to a grinding halt.
Cooper and NCDHHS Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen yesterday announced that North Carolina will remain in Safer at Home Phase 2 for three more weeks.
“We need to all work together so we can protect our families and neighbors, restore our economy, and get people back to work and our children back to school,” Cooper said while also announcing the face mask mandate.
He said the trajectory of COVID-Like Illness (CLI) has been increasing over the past two weeks, along with an elevated level of positive tests and hospitalizations.
In Mecklenburg County alone, there have been a total of 144 deaths, up four from yesterday and up 14 from one week ago. The total number of cases rose 281 in Mecklenburg, to 9,614. Last week the total cases since tracking began in March was 7,563. Fifty percent of Mecklenburg COVID-19 deaths occurred in nursing homes.

Mecklenburg has had a 7-day running average accounting for approximately 18.7 percent of the state-wide cases per day. It is unlikely Mecklenburg has had days with zero new cases in the past week and month, as the chart suggests, but anomalies in testing and reporting. This is especially apparent in light of significant dips in daily new cases statewide which coincide with the same days Mecklenburg reported zero cases.