Using Johns Hopkins University data, we compiled new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in NC per day from May 26 through June 25. The state’s average number of new daily cases since May 26 is 1,078, the median is 1,027. The past 7-day average and median are higher, at 1,329 and 1,372, respectively.
June 26. By Dave Yochum. If math is your thing, it’s possible to get a handle on whether the rate of COVID-19 cases is climbing slower or faster than the past month by comparing the trailing seven-day median to the 30-day or 31-day median.
Based on Johns Hopkins University data, the median number of new cases over the past seven days statewide was 1,372; the median number of new cases over the past 31 days was 1,027. The difference, 345, shows that the past seven days are running well ahead—33.59 percent to be exact—of the preceding four weeks.
Earlier this week the gap in a week’s worth of daily new COVID-19 cases and a month’s worth of daily new cases was running 24-27 percent.
“Right now our increasing numbers show we need to hit the pause button while we work to stabilize our trends,” Gov. Roy Cooper said yesterday when he mandated the extension of Phase 2 “safer at home” reopening for three more weeks.

He also mandated the wearing of face masks while out in public beginning at 5 pm today. To review a list of FAQs, click here.
Based on the new NCDHHS report, 13 more people died from the coronavirus statewide, down from 19 new deaths reported Thursday and 20 new deaths Wednesday. The total now is 1,303 dead, up from 766 total deaths as of May 26.
North Carolina businesses must have employees and customers wear face coverings, including workers and riders of transportation as well as workers in construction/trades, manufacturing, agriculture, meat processing and healthcare and long-term care settings.
Chamber leader speaks out
Barbie Jones, executive director of the Cabarrus Chamber of Commerce, said the rising numbers of cases are troubling, but more worrisome is the increasing rate of positive test results.

Barbie Jones, head of Cabarrus Chamber
“We miss our ribbon cuttings, we miss our business-after-hours and all of our events. Let’s work together so we can be back doing our events as a community. You can help by doing three things: Wait six feet from someone, wash your hands and wear a mask. I’m going to do my part, I hope you will do yours,” she said.
For NCDHHS guidance on face masks, click here.
Meanwhile, a major study from UNC-Chapel Hill says face masks go a long way toward limiting the spread of COVID-19. Click here to review the results.
Rate of positive results
Tests, as per NCDHHS data, are coming back positive 10 percent of the time.
Statewide, the NCDHHS reported 1,635 new COVID-19 cases today, up from the 1,009 reported yesterday at noon and 1,721 new cases statewide at noon Wednesday. On Friday a week ago the NCDHHS reported 1,652 new cases; two weeks ago today, 1,768 new cases.
Meanwhile, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut required two-week quarantines for all those who might visit from North Carolina, or risk fines.
In North Carolina, hospitalizations due to the coronavirus rose by one to 892 statewide.
In Mecklenburg County the number of positive cases increased by 330, to a total of 9,944 since reporting began in March. The county death toll is 144, level from yesterday, but up from 118 two weeks ago.
With 20 COVID-19 deaths at Autumn Care in Cornelius, 28031 accounts for 13.88 percent of coronavirus deaths in Mecklenburg County.
Mecklenburg data

Mecklenburg’s 7-day running average accounts for approximately 20.2 percent of the new state-wide cases per day. It is unlikely Mecklenburg has had days with zero new cases in the past week and month, as the chart suggests, but anomalies in testing and reporting.