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Letter to the Editor: Smithville residents have been heard

Response to “Opinion: Former Commissioner Thurman Ross calls for Smithville residents to have better representation in Smithville revitalization plan.”

March 14. By Scott Higgins. [Opinion] The revitalization plan for Smithville has come a long way. I have witnessed meaningful dialogue and progress in revitalizing Smithville over the last two years.

To be overly critical seems very disruptive to me.

Disruption and negativity does not help accomplish the important goal of revitalizing an historic community. However, I never like to hear about resident issues that may exist. They must and can be addressed.

Board attendance, agenda setting, and special meetings scheduled to share planned action can result in alleviating the communication impasse cited by members of SRC. Other similar communities with communication and conflicting issues have sought outside help to move forward.


The plan has garnered the financial support from the Town and County. Work still needs to be done to meet the needs of all.

At public meetings, Smithville citizens have been heard regarding a number of housing improvement needs, road, water, and sewer improvements, and recently expanding the park to create a place for the children to play.

SCC has added residents to the Board. SCC does their level best to hunt down owners to get traction for the plan.

I am surprised that former Commissioner Ross is pointing out shortfalls now after multiple terms on the Town Board. I thought he would have assisted and advocated for the plan or presented a plan of his own.

Both Higgins and Ross say they will file in July to run for Cornelius Town Board