The workers in yellow vests are installing a new pole in the background. In the bottom right corner is the damaged pole.
May 15. By Dave Vieser. Some relief is due soon for motorists traveling across West Catawba on Jetton. Crews hired by the NCDOT were busy installing wooden traffic signal poles Thursday afternoon.
The good news: Once the poles are stabilized, the traffic signals on the south side will be transferred to lines hoisted on the poles and Jetton Road will be reopened for traffic.
The bad news: The signal will still be regulated by a timer, meaning longer-than-usual waits for traffic in all directions. This condition may prevail for months until a much more expensive replacement pole can be installed.
This all happened because a dump truck driver exited the Chase Bank construction site with his bed up in the air. It slammed into the arm and bent the pole.
The NCDOT plans to seek reimbursement for the mishap from the owner.