Photo by Jason Benavides
Sept. 5. Dave Vieser. A comprehensive housing plan for Cornelius will be up for approval tonight at the Town Board meeting, being held a day later than usual due to Labor Day. The plan is an outgrowth of Mayor Washam’s Housing Study Committee which was formed in October 2020.
“The Committee actually presented 14 recommendations to the Town Board including the development of this Comprehensive Housing Plan” said Deputy Mayor Wayne Herron. “While the plan was essentially completed late last year, it is just now being presented to the Town Board for adoption due to the need to complete the Growth Management Task Force work first.”
The Committee focused their work on a housing plan in two phases:
—Phase 1: A 3-month effort to identify short/mid-term goals and objectives that could be addressed in the near term.
—Phase 2: Long-term evaluation of housing goals and policies to establish a housing plan that would address redevelopment on a town-wide basis and acknowledge different needs in housing related to seniors, young families, millennials, and workforce housing.
Phase 1 identified the following short/mid-term goals:
1. Pursue the creation of a community development corporation (CDC).
2. Ask the new CDC to pursue transitional housing program.
3. Ask the new CDC to pursue rental assistance funding for Cornelius residents.
4. Encourage the Town to continue and expand the employee housing stipend.
The long-term goals of the plan focus on initiatives that will take place over the next 5-10 years. The initiatives will aim to achieve long-term, substantive adjustments to housing circumstances in Cornelius. Roger Waldron of Clarion Associates will outline the plan to the commissioners.
Tonight’s meeting will take place in Town Hall, beginning at 6 pm. It will also be live-streamed on the town web site: www.Cornelius.org.