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Development meeting Tuesday: Bring a lawn chair

July 19. Northwood Ravin’s plan to redevelop approximately 25 acres on Zion Avenue (the former Curtis Screw site) into a mixed-use complex including townhomes, commercial space and an Olde Mecklenburg Brewery/Beer Garden is getting more attention.

There will be a community meeting on Tuesday July 20 from 5:30 pm to 7 pm at Advocates Close, beside the Antiquity Bridge, in Cornelius. Those attending should bring lawn chairs.

Commissioners Denis Bilodeau, Jim Duke and Mike Miltich are expected to attend. The Town Board is tentatively scheduled to vote on this proposal at their Aug. 2 meeting.

Also up for discussion will be Proffitt Dixon’s plans for a 16.2-acre mixed-use project called Caroline which would be adjacent to the Olde Mecklenburg Brewery mixed-use project. However, Caroline is not scheduled for any vote at this time.