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Davidson News

Davidson to create a Pedestrian Safety Task Force; applications now available

June 24. The Davidson Board of Commissioners are moving  forward with the formation of a Pedestrian Safety Task Force in response to the pedestrian fatality on Thursday, June 17.

After much discussion on pedestrian safety and about how best to proceed at the board regular meeting on Tuesday, June 22, the board agreed to form the task force comprised of members of the standing mobility subcommittee as well as other Davidson residents who wish to serve. 

The Pedestrian Safety Task Force will be charged with looking at issues of pedestrian safety across Davidson.

 Those interested in applying to serve on the task force are asked to complete the form here by Wednesday, July 7. After the application deadline, applications will be reviewed, and members will be appointed by the board of commissioners.

For more information or if you have questions,  contact Project Manager Doug Wright at dwright@townofdavidson.org or 704-940-9625.