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Davidson News

Cable digging starts next week in Davidson

July 7. The Town of Davidson is taking a proactive approach to the disruption Spectrum may cause during fiber installation work that begins on Monday. Much of the work will occur in the public right of way in front yards.

Public agencies and utility companies have the right to work in your front yard provided the work stays within the right-of-way owned by the town. To see your parcel lines on a GIS map, visit https://polaris3g.mecklenburgcountync.gov/

—Mighty Services will begin in the area of South Kimberly and Hudson Place including Davidson Woods over to the Davidson Hall neighborhood with a projected completion date of Aug. 1.

—Southeastern Cable will begin working in St. Albans from Wolfe St through the neighborhood with a projected completion date of Aug. 18. This phase of the project will include all areas West of the gas line easement and phase two will be the rest of the neighborhood on the East side of the easement.

If you notice a disruption in service, contact your utility provider immediately.

Contractor for Spectrum fiber installation: 888-369-2408 or 704-378-2700