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Youth Orchestra info sessions

The Cornelius Youth Orchestras ​will hold​ membership ​i​nformational ​s​essions July 25, Aug​.​ 8 and Aug​. from 6 pm to 7 pm at ​the Bailey Road Recreation Center ​in ​Bailey Middle School​. ​​Director Bill Haraden instructs the orchestra in all genres of music education including classical, Broadway, movie themes, pop and jazz. CYO is planning four concerts this season including a fall Halloween concert in October, a holiday concert in December, and winter and spring concert events. ​New ​m​ember ​r​ehearsal and ​o​rientation will be held ​6:30 pm ​Aug​. ​22 at Cornelius Town Hall​. RSVP to Program Director Nanette Haraden at 704-576-7270​. More info: www.corneliusyouthorchestras.com.