McDowell Creek Greenway is considered an easy path, about 3 miles long one way. Courtesy: Carolina Thread Trail
June 3. Cornelius has been active in getting greenways in place in the past several years, focusing on its Emerald Necklace connecting where people live to where they shop, dine, recreate, and congregate.
The town’s greenway plan counts on interconnectivity with Mecklenburg County and neighboring municipalities’ plans to broaden access for bicyclists and pedestrians.
Join Sustain Charlotte on Saturday, June 4, for a casual walk or bike ride to explore McDowell Creek Greenway.
This free event is co-hosted by Sustain Charlotte, the Carolina Thread Trail, and Partners for Parks. You’ll be able to speak with staff and volunteers from these organizations, as well as Cornelius staff, to discuss the importance of growing our network of greenways.
There will be a short discussion outdoors at 2 pm and then a guided walk and bike ride.
Participants are also invited to join a casual post-event discussion at Al’s Bar & Grille.
Parking is available along Magnolia Estates Drive near the trailhead, 8321 Magnolia Estates Drive. The trailhead is located about 0.5 mile from the Cornelius Park & Ride, 20208 Sefton Park Road. Please park before the trailhead and avoid on-street parking in the Magnolia Estates neighborhood.
Advance registration is encouraged.
This is a family-friendly event that is suitable for people of all ages and abilities.