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Cornelius News

Town manager gets 7.6% raise

The Cornelius Town Board has agreed to a 7.6 percent raise for Town Manager Andrew Grant

July 21. The Cornelius Town Board has agreed to a 7.6 percent raise for Town Manager Andrew Grant. He will be paid $155,000, up from $144,000. The board will revisit the town manager’s pay in February.

The raise is retroactive to June 4.

Grant replaced long-time Town Manager Anthony Roberts two years ago after Roberts moved to the town manager’s position in Huntersville. Roberts had been paid about $160,000 managing a town with an annual budget of about $23 million.

Drafting and revising the town budget is one of the key functions of the town manager. He or she also supervises the staff and works closely with the finance director and elected officials.

But even with the increase, Grant is one of the lowest paid town managers among similar-sized towns in North Carolina.

Grant, a Cornelius resident, is a popular leader.

“The Town Manager’s evaluation of performance can only be characterized as stellar,” said Commissioner Jim Duke.

Veteran Cornelius Commissioner Thurman Ross said Grant has done a good job managing finances during the pandemic.

Uncertainty around the coronavirus and its impact on town revenue prevented Grant from getting a larger raise, he said.

The salary adjustment brings Grant’s compensation more in line with similarly-sized municipalities, said Commissioner Denis Bilodeau. “During these unprecedented times, we are fortunate to have a manager with experience and great expertise,” he said.