June 2. By Dave Vieser. Cornelius Town Hall, closed for nearly three months due to the coronavirus, will begin a phased reopening in June. On most days since mid March, Town Hall has been occupied with 10 or fewer staff while other employees worked remotely.
Most of the town hall staff will return to the Catawba Avenue building next week, which will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized on a daily basis. The opening also clears the way for an in-person Town Board Public Hearing on Monday the evening of June 15 concerning the proposed $24.3 million FY 2021 budget.
With the reopening, extra safety precautions will be implemented according to Town Manager Andrew Grant. “Things are going to be different as we phase in our services to staff, residents and visitors,” he said.
Everyone will be initially screened before they enter the building, including having their temperatures taken. They will also be urged to wear masks while in the building.
With Town Hall reopening, some meetings will begin to resume their normal schedules. Where meetings are open to the public, arrangements are expected to be made to ensure safe spacing between attendees.