Photo by Jason Benavides
June 20. By Dave Vieser. If the Cornelius Town Board was looking for a large turnout for a public hearing on terms lengths, they must have been disappointed. Only one citizen showed up to voice an opinion on whether the terms of the mayor and town board members be changed from two years to staggered four-year terms.
Resident Rick Monroe said the current two-year terms should be retained. That was it.
If the commissioners decide to proceed, they would need to adopt an ordinance that establishes the change.Then they would need to adopt a Resolution notifying Mecklenburg County Board of Elections of the special election needed in addition to the 2023 General Election ballot for the citizens to vote.
A decision on whether to proceed with any change will be made at their Monday July 17 meeting.
Bump in a future road
Despite concerns raised by several residents, the town board Monday night approved a feasibility study for a Zion Avenue Connector Road.
Among those raising concerns with the project was Paul Herbert, a resident of The Forest at Bailey’s Glen and a former director of Cornelius Parks and Recreation.
Hebert said the connector road would have a negative impact on Bailey Road. He suggested that the town delay any decision on the Cornelius Business Park rezoning until the the feasibility study is completed.
However, the commissioners approved the study unanimously, without specifying a cost.
The resolution directs the town staff to begin the Planning process by preparing a feasibility study. The final study will provide the Town with potential alternatives for locating the facility and estimated costs for the Zion Avenue Connector.