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Town board signs off on continuing relaxed sign rules

Nov. 29. By Dave Vieser. Small temporary signs, which have been permitted in Cornelius since the onset of the pandemic, will continue to be allowed for at least another six months. The unanimous decision by town commissioners came after some residents complained about the signs detracting from the appearance of the town.

“I understand the concerns which have been raised about the signs,” said Commissioner Denis Bilodeau, “but I’ve also heard much about poor service caused by staffing issues and this is one way we can help these small businesses continue to survive.”

Many of the signs advertise available jobs for various local eateries.

Deputy Town Manager Wayne Herron said the town does inspect the signs to be sure they are not exceeding the town guidelines. “We were doing so twice a week, but we too are being impacted by staffing and those inspections are now once every two weeks,” he said.

Wayne Herron

He expects the department to be back to full strength within a few weeks.”

Herron said he would revisit the sign regulation with the Town Board in June of next year.