Jan. 8. By Dave Vieser. The Cornelius Town Board unanimously OK’d an amendment to the Smithville Land Use Plan which will remove the neighborhood commercial designation for properties on the west side of South Hill. The change, which takes effect immediately, gained unanimous approval from the Planning Board in October.
The community requested the change, according to Planning Director Wayne Herron. “This is consistent with other changes being considered to evaluate and ensure both sides of South Hill Street have the same or similar land use patterns,” Herron said.
Both sides of Hill Street are lined with a mix of about a dozen homes, along with vacant parcels, but the homes on the west side also have substantial property between their rear properties and Statesville Road.
Since Statesville Road is commercially developed, the 2014 version of the town’s land use plan had designated the west side of Hill Street as neighborhood commercial. During recent discussions with neighborhood residents a consensus emerged for changing the land use designation to neighborhood residential so that Hill would have the same residential designation on both sides of the street.
Herron noted that, even with the change approved by the commissioners, the portion of any property on the west side of South Hill that also fronts Statesville Road will remain Neighborhood Commercial along Statesville Road.
The town’s land use plan, originally adopted in December 1999 and revised in 2014, is a policy to guide growth and development of land in the town’s jurisdiction.
Also at Monday’s meeting the commissioners:

The mayor and town board recognized outgoing Police Chief Bence Hoyle for 11 years of service to Cornelius and 32 years to the community. As is tradition, Chief Hoyle was awarded his service pistol. Hoyle has since joined the Huntersville Police Department as interim chief.
Mayor Woody Washam also officially swore in Kevin Black as the new police chief. Other officers promoted were: David Baucom to Major, Tony Sharpe to Captain and Chris Roper to Lieutenant.