June 19. By Dave Vieser. At their Monday June 18 meeting, Cornelius commissioners approved an increase in fees for 13 different services provided by the town Parks Department. The fee hikes, if approved, are expected to generate about $7000 in additional revenue annually.
”Each year, our staff reviews fees and recommends changes based on use patterns, comparison with other agencies, and new services” said Finance Director Julie Niswonger. “These increases have been reviewed by and are recommended unanimouslyby the Parks and Recreation (PARC) Board.”
The changes include adjustments such as increasing the cost of renting a gym from $41 to $50 for residents, and from $82 to $100 for non residents.
Also at Monday’s meeting, the town board:
• Declared Saturday July 21 as Big Day at the Lake Day in Cornelius. The proclamation recognizes the “once in a lifetime” full day of fun for hundreds of at-risk kids in Big Brothers Big Sisters.. At the meeting, former Commissioner Jim Duke, finance chair for Big Day at the Lake, said the organization has raised $113,649 thus far this year for Big Brothers Big Sisters.
• Conducted a public hearing on the proposed use of a $950,000 finance contract with City National Capital Finance to pay for installing synthetic turf at Bailey Middle School. The 7 year agreement carries an interest rate of 3.07 percent.
• Approved a contract with the Animal Hospital of Cornelius to provide veterinary services to the town’s animal shelter on weekends and holidays.The cost to the town is expected to be lower than having the town’s two animal control officers work overtime.