May 6. There are now 516 people hospitalized with COVID-19 symptoms, down 3.37 percent from 534 reported hospitalized by the NC Dept. of Health & Human Services yesterday.
It could be a bit of good news as some shopkeepers and individuals get ready for Phase 1 of reopening, starting at 5 pm the day after tomorrow.
There have been 164,482 tests, according to NCDHHS, with COVID-19 cases in 99 out of 100 counties.
The NCDHHS data shows a total of 12,758 cases statewide, up 4.1 percent from yesterday’s total of 12,256. Some 477 have died, compared to 452 as of yesterday at 11 am.
Mecklenburg County has 92 new positive test results for COVID-19, making 1,850 so far, according to NCDHHS. To view the data county by county, click here.
Two-thirds of those who tested positive have been released from isolation.
There are really only two minor changes that will occur with Phase 1 reopening:
—Some currently closed parks in NC will open, but still subject to gathering limits of 10.
—People will be permitted to leave home for commercial activity
—Businesses that may reopen include clothing, sporting goods, housewares retailers
Gyms, restaurants not opening yet
North Carolina is not permitting gyms, restaurants and bars to reopen their interior spaces until at least May 22, no matter what safety precautions are implemented.
Phase 1 Executive Order does the following:
• Eliminates the distinction between essential and non-essential businesses; • Allows most retail businesses (with exceptions) that can comply with specific
requirements to open at 50 percent capacity.
• Allows people to leave home for non-essential goods or services; • Encourages state parks and trails that are closed to open.
• Specifically allows people to gather outdoors while following social distancing recommendations.
• Opens child care to working families
• Encourages everyone to wear cloth face coverings outside the home in order to protect others.