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This tag is associated with 26 posts
With apologies to “Made of Honor” / Photo illustration by Jason Benavides

When did my wife stop making sense? Or is it me.

MODERN DAD | By Jon Show July 12. A big part of being married is getting to the point where you begrudgingly learn to accept some of the things your spouse does around the house that make no sense. After all, none of us are perfect. I leave things laying around everywhere. It takes me […]

Modern D fathers day

Making the bed we call ‘life’

MODERN DAD | By Jon Show It’s graduation season and I’m a sucker for a good graduation speech that offers actionable life advice. None of this “reach for your dreams” or “believe in yourself” garbage, I mean advice that you can actually follow. I have a handful of favorites, including one from Admiral William McRaven, […]

Web Modern Dad Book read 2024

Would you buy a book from this man?

MODERN DAD | By Jon Show April 19. I’ve always had a pipe dream to turn these columns into a book. I don’t think anyone would buy the book, but nevertheless, I think it would be kind of cool to publish them if for no other reason than to be able to throw away the […]

Modern Dad March 2024

Speaking like a native is overrated

MODERN DAD | By Jon Show March 8. The Mother of Dragons and I go on vacation every year or so without the children. We save up credit card, hotel and airline points and usually find a really cool hotel somewhere that is so nice we can’t afford the drinks in the bar. Our first […]

With apologies to "Friends'

When your worst roommates ever are related to you

MODERN DAD | By Jon Show Feb. 9. My kids are the worst roommates I’ve ever had, which is saying something because I once lived with a guy who would stash chicken wing bones behind the couch. I also lived with a guy who took down my closet door to play beer pong and then […]

With apologies to "Father Knows Best"

Kids do what kids do, like grow up

MODERN DAD | By Jon Show Jan. 12. This column is called Modern Dad and it dawned on me that I haven’t really written as much about my kids recently. I thought about it for a while and realized I haven’t written as much about them because I don’t see them as much as I […]

Modern Dad Mission Impossible 2023 Web

Mission Possible: A fantasy heist worthy of a movie

MODERN DAD | By Jon Show Dec. 15. Every good theft starts with a plan. That was the text I received from my friend Anthony, known in these pages as just Anthony, when we were discussing my desire last month to steal a sign from a store that went out of business. His advice was […]

Modern Dad fishing 2023

Live like you never know what’s next

MODERN DAD | By Jon Show Oct. 6. You don’t really get to have adventures as an adult. I don’t mean adult adventures like traveling to another country or eating weird food. I mean like Tom Sawyer adventures. The kind of adventures where you never know what’s next. When you’re an adult, there’s no grabbing […]

With apologies to "Dumb and Dumber"

Would I trade my glabrous pate? No thank you.

MODERN DAD | By Jon Show March 10. I’m bald. Perhaps you noticed. Perhaps you haven’t. Either way, I’m bald. I’ve been bald most of my adult life. I’ve been bald so long that the last time I had a full head of hair I was more concerned about Y2K than I was about losing […]

Modern Dad love boat Feb 2023

If Cornelius were a port on a cruise, here’s what I’d do

MODERN DAD | By Jon Show. Feb. 10. The New York Times recently brought back its “36 Hours” travel column after pausing it for two years due to COVID. The longtime weekly feature suggests to readers how to spend 36 hours in destinations throughout the world like the Matterhorn, Majorca and Tbilisi (yes that’s an […]