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Survey says NC is 4th worst in US for healthcare

Aug. 3. Millions of people have already lost or will lose their employer-sponsored health insurance as the coronavirus pandemic affects commerce and industry. Among the states suffering most is North Carolina, according to a new WalletHub survey.

The pandemic has already postponed elective surgeries and moved many doctor visits entirely online. Meanwhile, a surge in patients with the new coronavirus disease is challenging the ability of the U.S. healthcare system to treat all patients.

The WalletHub study indicates that across 44 key measures of health care cost, accessibility and outcome, North Carolina is the fourth-worst state in the nation, including the District of Columbia. For methodology, click here.

Health Care in North Carolina (1=Best; 25=Avg.):
40th – Avg. Monthly Insurance Premium
42nd – Hospital Beds per Capita
26th – Physicians per Capita
22nd – Dentists per Capita
35th – Physician Medicare-Acceptance Rate
43rd – % of Insured Adults
30th – % of Insured Children
34th – % of Adults with No Dental Visit in Past Year
34th – % of Medical Residents Retained

—Source: WalletHub

What are the most important steps we can take to minimize health expenses?

Stay healthy! Do it by taking care of yourself. Improve your diet, exercise, and get enough sleep. Do not smoke. So much of our healthcare expenditures go toward treating diseases related to lifestyle, and someone pays for it.

John Huppertz Ph.D

In addition, people can learn how to access the most appropriate level of care for the problem they have. Don’t go to the Emergency Room for something that can be treated by your primary care provider or at urgent care. Of course, if you feel you are having a heart attack or stroke, or have a serious injury, call 911 right away. But a high percentage of cases seen in the ER could be handled in less acute settings.

Bottom line: learn about your own health and know where you will go if you need healthcare. If you do not have a primary care provider, get one. Take care of yourself.

—John Huppertz is the director of healthcare management at the Reh School of Business at Clarkson University