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Cornelius News

Still time to vote: Polls close at 7:30 pm

Theresa Taverna, Sherry Browning, Evelyn Godley-Sykes man the polls at 208 Bethel Church

Theresa Taverna, Sherry Browning, Evelyn Godley-Sykes man the polls at 208 Bethel Church

June 7. You can still go to the polls to settle primaries for state Supreme Court, the new U.S. House district. The turnout is light, and local pundits are saying results could be decided by a handful of voters.

Polls are open until 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, but political observers aren’t expecting a big turnout.

The election is the result of two different lawsuits, resulting in an election out of synch with local voter habits. There were no waits at the polling places in Cornelius.

Most of the high-profile races took place in March.