Della Stafford (center) with Kevin Jonas Jr (left) and Nick Jonas (right)
June 9. A Cornelius family got to see the Jonas Brothers up close and personal at Nellie’s Southern Kitchen, a new Belmont restaurant owned by the singers’ father. Kevin, Nick, Joe and Frankie turned out for the private opening, along with Della and Troy Stafford, and their daughters Marin, 9, and Madison, 13.
The Peninsula residents also got to hang out with singer Tony Orlando, of “Tie a Yellow Ribbon” fame. Nellie’s is named for Kevin Jonas Sr.’s maternal grandmother, whose recipes the menu is based on.
But how the Staffords got there is interesting. Della explains:
“Back in April Troy and I attended a charity event at the Peninsula Club for First Book Charlotte. First book Charlotte is a wonderful charity that is headed up by Colleen Ludington who lives in the neighborhood. They provide books to at need children. So during this charity event there was a live auction and we bid on the item not knowing what it was. It was listed as a VIP event at Nellie’s Southern kitchen in Belmont. We won it and were then told that it was the Jonas family’s restaurant that they were planning to open.
Apparently the father, Kevin Jonas was raised in Belmont and Nellie is his grandmother who was also from Belmont. It was only for two people and in speaking with the event coordinator I mentioned that I might bring one of my girls and would have to choose which one. She insisted that I bring the girls and invited them to come because she said there were going to be some special guests attending. So even though it was only for two people she made room for all four of us and we got there around 5:30 and the Jonas brothers started arriving one by one. Joe Jonas was in town for a concert last night so he came and performed for us. Kevin Jr. was there with his wife and little girl and then Nick showed up a little bit later. The boys and the mom and dad are extremely nice and the food was fabulous. They are a great family. I can’t wait to go back to the restaurant when it opens to the public. We had fried chicken, shrimp and grits, mac & cheese, lots of biscuits! So the thing last night was a private party for friends and family only but it’s going to be opening to the public soon.