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Seniors: Ask for that discount!

April 26. If you’re of a certain age and enjoyed getting the 5 percent senior discount on Thursdays at Harris Teeter self-checkout, be forewarned: You now have to ask for it.

According to US Census data, 10 percent of Cornelius residents are over 65 years old. VIC (Very Important Customer) cardholders used to get a reminder prompt asking if they qualified for the discount, which is offered to customers 60 and over.

Not any more. The Teeter’s new computer and scanner system offers no such reminders. Koger, of course, has purchased Harris Teeter for $2.4 billion, and systems are changing about as fast as the produce.

Publix also offers senior discounts, but on Wednesdays. Like Harris Teeter, their senior discount applies to shoppers 60 and over. And no matter where you shop, it’s going to be the brave clerk who might want to qualify you for the senior discount.

Harris Teeter spokeswoman Danna Robinson would not comment.