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School of Rock opens Saturday with festivities

School of Rock officially opens Saturday at 21112 Catawba Ave., next to Cornelius Elementary School, with a grand opening event complete with live music, open jams, refreshments and, naturally, a guitar smashing.

Tours and trial lessons get under way at 2 pm, with live music and open jams starting at 3 pm. There will be food and beverages all day and a raffle at 5 pm.

School of Rock franchisee Shawn Garrity said this is his dream job. “I have loved music since I was a kid, and I wish I had something like it when I was younger,” he said.

School of Rock provides a healthy outlet for students to play music and make friends, “something I lacked when I was their age,” Garrity said.

“We are ready to get involved with the Cornelius community and anticipate a great relationship as we grow together,” he said.

More info: www.schoolofrock.com.