Aug. 13. Charlotte-MecklenburgSchools students can receive meals even as the district opens in an all-remote instruction model.
With CMS Eats at Home, families can preorder meal bundles to be delivered once weekly or for pick up at one of 40 CMS sites. Bundles include five breakfasts and five lunches. Families will begin receiving meals the week of Sept. 1.
Families will be able to preorder using the district’s existing PayPAMS system. Families who are not registered for PayPAMS can register online. Meal bundle deliveries for the week of Sept. 1 must be ordered by Aug. 18 and order for pick up by Aug. 26.
The program is free for students who qualify for free or reduced lunch and students enrolled in Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) schools. All other families can purchase meal bundles for $15 per week.
Families must complete the 2020-2021 family meal application to see if they qualify for meal benefits. The online application can be completed by clicking here. Families do not need to complete a meal application if all students in the household attend a CEP school.
“Not only will this program provide nutritious meals for our students, but it also offers the opportunity for continued employment for employees whose positions otherwise might have been temporarily suspended with our schools operating in a full remote instruction model,” said CMS Superintendent Earnest Winston.
The meal bundles, which will be prepared by cafeteria staff, will be available for pick up at designated meal sites or delivered to students’ bus stops by transportation. At meal pick up or delivery time, students, parents or guardians must present their student identification card or provide the student’s name and student ID number.
During the first two weeks of school, Aug. 17-31, students will be provided one free breakfast and one free lunch at 40 grab-and-go meal sites across the district each weekday. The meal sites will be open from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Information about the program and the full list of pick-up sites can be found here.