Sept. 20. A safety study designed to address ways of eliminating traffic hazards on Jetton Road between West Catawba Avenue and Charlestown Lane will be discussed tonight at the Cornelius Town Board.
This busy portion of Jetton Road has driveways and roads intersecting from both sides and carries a steady stream of motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians. Complicating the situation is a curve in Jetton Road as it approaches from the west, reducing sight distance for motorists. There is a pedestrian crosswalk outside the study area at Jetton Park, but not between the stores near Old Jetton Road.
Also at Monday’s meeting the board is expected to:
· Appoint Cheryl Crawford as Planning Board Chairwoman.
· Recognize Brian Simmons for his seven years of service on the Planning Board, including four as chairman.
· Set Monday November 7 as the date for a public hearing to consider permanently closing a portion of Kunkleman Drive, north of Knox Road. This road closure is associated with the proposed Watermark Condos project.
The meeting begins at 7 pm in the Town Board Hearing Room, Town Hall, on Catawba Avenue.