July 28. Four miles of town-maintained roads will be repaved starting Monday. Work starts on Bailey Road, between Hwy. 21 and Delmas Drive, with traffic reduced to one lane in each direction between 21 and Washam Potts. The town says there will be short periods of time when Bailey will be closed and traffic rerouted to Washam Potts Road and Westmoreland Road. Repaving will include portions of Bascom Ridge, Beneteau Court, Berry Court, Catamaran Court, Crealock Place, Crown Lake Drive, Galleon View, Gulfstar Court, Harken Drive, Island View, Lake Shore, Norman Island, Ogden Cove Drive, Rutledge Bluff, Scanmar Lane, Scottcrest, Tamara Oak Drive, Turnbull Way, Val Court, Valiant Way and Wilcher Court. The work is anticipated to take approximately two months to complete.