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Cornelius News

Rates of COVID-19 spread: NC vs. 47 states in June

July 1. The novel coronavirus continues to set unprecedented standards regionally and across the United States. Cornelius Today compares national data through Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Systems Science and Engineering‘s data with NCDHHS’ daily updates. In these charts, CT compares state-by-state new cases in June to their percent increase or decrease from May to June.

As CT compiles percent growth, it is important to give these numbers context, thus CT added the number of new cases each state had in June. For example, a 600 percent increase in Montana tells us very little if there was one case in May and seven in June.

In North Carolina, the number of new cases in May was 18,031, according to Johns Hopkins, and 36,542 in June. Cases increased by over one-hundred percent in June. CT continues to compare NCDHHS’ numbers with Johns Hopkins’. North Carolina is certainly not increasing at the rate of Texas, Florida, California, and Arizona; however, it is premature to make any declarations at this point.

Statewide, there were 64,670 cases of the coronavirus as of June 30, according to the NC Dept. of Health & Human Services. On May 29, the NCDHHS reported a total of 26,488 cases. There were a total of 1,343 deaths due to COVID-19 statewide as of yesterday; 859 deaths as of May 29.

Comparisons based on JHU data