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Cornelius News

Pounding for Parker ​golf tournament is June 4

Allison Cowherd and Jon Cowherd have presented the Levine Children’s Hospital Neuro-oncology Clinic with a check for $100,000 to help fund the brain tumor survivorship clinic. Their son, Parker, has an extremely rare cancer that has spread down his spine and up into his lower brain.

“A child’s battle with cancer doesn’t stop once the disease enters remission or is stabilized. Parker’s chemotherapy treatments may have come to an end for now, but in many ways the journey is just beginning. ” says Allison. The family lives in Weatherstone; her father is Carl Yost, the former pastor at Community in Christ Lutheran Church.

In 2017 the foundation raised ​some $130,000 through the Community Day Event, the Annual Pounding For Parker Foundation Golf Tournament and from generous donations and sponsorships. The 2nd Annual Pounding For Parker Golf Tournament  will be held Monday, June 4 at NorthStone Country Club. More info: www.poundingforparker.com

The Cowherd’s lives changed forever when Parker was diagnosed with an inoperable cancer that occurs in only 2 percent of children. Parker’s cancer is being treated as a lifelong managed condition.

Allison says she remembers sitting in the Levine’s clinic room, while Dr. Chad Jacobsen shared a list of potential side effects for the chemotherapy that Parker was about to begin. “The list was overwhelming – we knew it was what Parker needed to help stabilize and stop the growth of his tumor – but I was also hesitant to sign my name on a form that listed secondary cancers, infertility, and heart problems as some of the potential side effects,” she says.

Chemotherapy and radiation are the only treatment options available, but the two chemotherapy medications that Parker is taking right now were approved by the FDA more than 30 years ago.

The foundation focuses on survivor wellness and addressing the potential late-effects of chemotherapy. The $100,000 grant will also specifically fund a new staff position to assist with monitoring any abnormal signs, making referrals to other physicians, and family counseling.