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Popular 4th of July Fireworks and Concert Festival loses home in Denver

June 12. The 23rd Annual Lincoln County DABA Fireworks will not take place this year, and maybe never again. The long-running festival was a popular event in Denver held at the East Lincoln High School grounds.

The DABA board was notified by the school system that the schools had received a large grant sum from the state to turf all high school fields.

A decision has been made by the Lincoln County school board to no longer hold this event on the football field of East Lincoln High School or any other county field due to possible damage to the new turf that is to be installed in a few months.

“This event which has served the citizens in the community for 22 years straight to celebrate our nation’s freedoms, independence and to show case the many businesses in our area, simply has no place to continue,” the Denver Area Business Association wrote in a letter dated May 5  to the public.

The festival was canceled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic but returned the next year, with DABA promising  “the biggest, brightest, and loudest fireworks and concert show ever in DABA history.” It was a promise made in 2022, and in most previous years as well.

“Unfortunately, at this time we have exhausted all other optons to host this size of an event,” the DABA Board wrote.