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Cornelius News

Police catch Middletown auto break-in suspects

Aug. 26. Cornelius Police have apparently caught the perps behind multiple vehicle break-ins around the Jetton Cove neighborhood. CPD was dispatched to Middletown Road, in reference to three suspicious individuals wearing dark clothes, around 2:20 am Aug. 25. The officers located a vehicle and the suspects in the area. Upon further investigation, several pieces of stolen property were located in the vehicle.

Arrested were: Luis Romero Calderon (W/M 01/16/1998), Robert Malik Commodore (B/M 09/30/1996), and Quaron Kendell Potts (B/M 06/11/1995) of Charlotte. They were charged with one count of felony conspiracy, one count of felony breaking and entering motor vehicle, one count of misdemeanor possession stolen goods or property, and one count of misdemeanor larceny.

Police have recovered property believed to stolen. However without a report, CPD does not know who the items belong to.  If you suspect that your vehicle was entered or you may be missing property, please contact the Cornelius Police Department at 704-892-7773.  Police suggest you always remove valuables from vehicles, lock your car doors and report any suspicious activity.