To better represent the difference between the United States and North Carolina’s new cases per day, we used a logarithmic graph. Rather than a linear increase on the y-axis, a logarithmic chart increases in tens. Each labeled gridline is multiplied by ten such that the United States’ daily cases do not dwarf North Carolina’s or flatten North Carolina’s cases towards the bottom of the graph. Data: Johns Hopkins University
May 22. By Dave Yochum. With North Carolina hours from entering a modest Phase Two reopening, testing for COVID-19 is climbing, as are positive results. The NC Dept. of Health & Human Services reported 303,224 tests Friday morning, up 12,579 from yesterday.
NCDHHS is reporting 21,618 cases, up 4,489, or 26 percent, from data released one week ago today. Phase Two reopening begins at 5 pm Friday May 22.
“This virus is still a serious threat to our state. But North Carolinians have made changes – and sacrifices – in their daily lives. And that has helped to flatten the curve here,” Gov. Roy Cooper said.
The Safer At Home Phase 2 runs through at least Friday, June 26. DHHS public health recommendations are provided online for various sectors.
The state’s interactive COVID-19 web site says Mecklenburg County has 2,954 cases, up from 2,385 a week ago. Cornelius Today is reporting NCDHHS data statewide and for Mecklenburg County.
North Carolina has had 728 COVID-19 deaths, according to NCDHHS; Mecklenburg, 72.
With data from Johns Hopkins University, we compared the change in new cases in North Carolina to the United States as a whole; New York and New Jersey, the epicenter of COVID-19; and to South Carolina and Georgia, two neighboring states.

Data source: Johns Hopkins University

Data: Johns Hopkins University