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Cornelius News

Perseid meteor showers at peak

Aug. 10. The annual Perseid Meteor Shower peaks Tuesday through Thursday Aug. 11-13 and  is considered the best meteor shower of the year. Experts say between 50 up to 150 meteors per hour are expected to be visible in the Lake Norman region.

The Perseids will be competing with the last quarter moon appearing on Tuesday, Aug. 11. So, this year, the shooting stars are best seen before midnight (exceptionally early)—before the moon rises to create unwanted brightness.

The weather forecast looks like it might be challenging: Tuesday and Wednesday nights call for a chance of showers and thunderstorms, on the order of 50 percent, according to the National Weather Service. Thursday, a little more chance of rainy skies.

To view the 7-day local forecast, click here.