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Cornelius News

Open forum: Mayor Travis will field questions Dec. 11



Cornelius Mayor Chuck Travis will answer questions about the town, upcoming projects and transportation issues around town, including the notion of a “superstreet” for West Catawba between Jetton and Sam Furr Road.

The Newsmakers Breakfast is Dec. 11 at The Peninsula Club. Hosted by Cornelius Today and Business Today, the forums are no-holds-barred question-and-answer sessions. The public is invited. The cost to attend is $12 and includes a full country breakfast.

Doors open at 7:15 a.m., breakfast and networking follows and the program starts at 8. The event concludes at 8:55 a.m.

Travis is in the midst of his second term as Cornelius mayor. As mayor, he helps set objectives for the town commission, but only votes in the case of a tie on the five-member board. All elected offices in Cornelius are non-partisan.

Sponsors of the Newsmakers Breakfast include Mauriello Law Offices, Donna Moffett Accountants and Consultants, Davidson Wealth Management and Aquesta Insurance Services.

Reservations are required. Please call 704-895-1335 with Visa or MasterCard.