The Old Fashioned BBQ & Candidate Forum, a unique opportunity to hear what Cornelius Town Board candidates have to say, will be Friday Oct. 11 in the Community Room at Town Hall.
Tickets are $9 (Call us with Visa or MasterCard to RSVP at 704-895-1335) or online through EventBrite. The price includes a full BBQ lunch, with non-meat options. At the end of the event we will present a check to the Cain Center for the Arts.

Rev. Keno Cannady, the new pastor of Bethel AME Zion Church, will give the blessing.
American Legion Post 86 will present the colors. Mayor Woody Washam will lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
Cornelius Today reporter Dave Vieser will moderate the forum. The timekeeper is Anita Overcash from the Cain Center.
The candidate forum will include questions from the audience as well as through the Cornelius Today Facebook page.
Doors will open at 11:15 a.m. for casual conversation with candidates. The BBQ buffet will open at 11:30 am. The event ends at 1:15 pm sharp.
We will present a check to the Cain Center for the Arts at the conclusion of the event.

Sponsors of the event are Aquesta Bank, Irvin Law and KS Audio.
When? Oct. 11, 2017 from 11:30 am to 1:15 pm
Where? Community Room Town Hall
Cost? $9 call 704-895-1335 to RSVP with Visa or MasterCard or pay at the door