Using Johns Hopkins data, we compiled a chart of new confirmed cases of COVID-19 per day from June 12 through July 12 in North Carolina. The state’s average number of new daily cases since June 12 is 1,490 and its median is 1,436. The past seven-day average and median are both between 300 and 400 cases higher, at 1,826 and 1,865.
July 13. By Dave Yochum. State officials are keeping an eye out for the spread of the coronavirus in Mecklenburg County as cases continue to rise. This, in a state that is being watched nationwide because of sizable increases compared to much of the rest of the country.
“We are particularly concerned about the Charlotte area and their hospital capacity,” said Dr. Mandy Cohen, NC Secretary of Health & Human Services. That said, the number of new cases in Mecklenburg County rose by 295 from Sunday to today, for a total of 15,319. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, new cases in Mecklenburg County rose by more than 400 each day, according to the NCDHHS. To review current NCDHHS data and trends, click here.
Data from Johns Hopkins [chart] shows a reversal of recent downward trends in new cases in North Carolina. The median number of daily new cases during the past week is now 30 percent ahead of the past month, or 1,865 new daily cases over the past week compared to 1,436 over the past month.
New U.S. coronavirus cases reached record levels over the weekend, with deaths trending up sharply in a majority of states. Total US deaths just surpassed 135,000, with major hotspots reported in Arizona, California, Florida and Texas.
Hospitalizations down from record high
In North Carolina, the number of people hospitalized due to COVID-19 also dropped—to 1,040— from a record high that reached 1,093 on Saturday.
North Carolina had 1,827 new cases of the coronavirus as of noon today, for a total of 87,528 cases since tracking began in March. There were 2,462 new cases Saturday, a record. Florida, however, had a single-day infection record in excess of 15,000 new cases, far ahead of North Carolina.
Statewide, COVID-19 testing is running about 10 percent were positive, according to NCDHHS, about double the target rate.
North Carolina is reporting 1,510 deaths, up 112 in the space of one week. Deaths in Mecklenburg reached 163, up from 154 a week ago.
In Mecklenburg
The number of new cases in Mecklenburg fell to 295 from the 400-plus levels, still considerably higher than previous weeks.
Mecklenburg’s positive test results are running higher than the state, at roughly 12.6 percent.
Mecklenburg has had a 7-day running average accounting for 17.1 percent of the state-wide cases per day. While Mecklenburg’s data hinted at leveling off last week, even possibly declining, the 7-day average case count increased again over the weekend.
Mecklenburg testing shows 138 cases per 10,000 population. By contrast, Iredell is running at about 62 per 10,000, reflecting the higher density populations in which the coronavirus can spread more quickly.