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Cornelius News

NCDHHS: 952 new coronavirus cases, 30 new deaths statewide

Sept. 23. By Dave Yochum. The NC Dept. of Health and Human Services ​reported ​952 new cases of COVID-19 statewide and ​30​ new related deaths in today’s noon report. Today’s increase in new cases is down from ​Tuesday’s increase of 1,​168.

​The positive test rate is staying put at 5.4 percent, having dipped below the goal of 5 percent back on Sept. 14-15.

The NCDHHS ​reported ​952 new cases of COVID-19 statewide and ​30​ new related deaths in today’s noon report. Today’s increase in new cases is down from ​Tuesday’s increase of 1,​168.

​The positive test rate is staying put at about 5.3-5.4 percent, having dipped below the goal of 5 percent back on Sept. 14-15. It’s risen since then.​

At least 19​6​,​50​1 people in North Carolina have tested positive for the coronavirus and 3,​316​ have died​ statewide.​

State officials have said their goal is positive test results to be below 5 percent and trend down from there.

COVID-19 tests surpassed 2.8​4​ million in today’s NCDHHS report.


The people hospitalized due to COVID-19 fell by ​seven​ to ​912​, according to DHHS. It’s an improvement from exactly one ​week ago when ​918​​ people were hospitalized.


The NCDHHS ​today ​repor​t​ed​ ​81​ new cases in Mecklenburg County, down from ​101​​ new cases ​yesterday.

The total number of deaths countywide, according to NCDHHS, is no​w​ at 34​3​, up ​one​ from yesterday.

Mecklenburg coronavirus tests are coming back positive at the rate of 4.​1​ percent, down from ​4.7​ percent one week ago.

North Mecklenburg

Cornelius: 0 new cases, total 50​8. Cumulative deaths 16.

Davidson: ​2​ new case​s​, total 2​92​. Cumulative deaths 5.

Huntersville: ​8​ new cases, total 9​1​2. Cumulative deaths 12.

Mecklenburg accounted for a running average of 7.7 percent of North Carolina’s new confirmed cases over the past week.