Using Johns Hopkins data, Cornelius Today compiled new confirmed cases of COVID-19 per day in NC from June 5 through July 5. Our average number of new daily cases since June 5 is 1,320 and the median is 1,408. The past 7-day average and median are slightly higher, at 1,535 and 1,465, respectively.
July 6. By Dave Yochum. Almost 60 percent of those now testing positive for COVID-19 in North Carolina are between the ages of 18-49, according to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. While the early understanding of COVID-19 led some to believe young people were not at risk, this is now the largest age group for the infection. To review the CONVID-19 dashboard by demographics, click here.
State health officials attribute the number of infections among younger people to the easing of restrictions and young people resuming the social activities they engaged in pre-pandemic without observing proper precautions like social distancing or the wearing of face masks.
To review the NCDHHS data directly, click here. More than 130,000 people have died in the United States so far, according to Johns Hopkins University. Click here to review their comprehensive, state-by-state COVID-19 record-keeping.
Meanwhile, back-to-school plans are still up in the air as the raw numbers around COVID-19 in North Carolina continue to rise. That said, total deaths in Mecklenburg have been steady for several days at 154 total.
Mecklenburg passes 13,000 cases
Mecklenburg is the epicenter of the coronavirus in North Carolina with 13,111 cases, up from 11,170 cases one week ago.
NCDHHS at noon today reported 74,529 cases, up 1,546 from yesterday and up 11,045 from Monday a week ago. Statewide there have been, up two from yesterday and up 73 from last Monday.
Current hospitalizations are at 982, up from 949 yesterday and from 843 one week ago.
Testing for the coronavirus is surging: 1,051,846 tests completed as of noon July 6, vs. 886,305 on Monday June 29. More than 45,000 people are presumed recovered by the NCDHHS.
Mecklenburg County
Mecklenburg had a 7-day running average accounting for approximately 20.6 percent of the state-wide cases per day.