The Rotary Club of North Mecklenburg will sponsor a Guatemala Education Evening Oct. 20 at the Great Aunt Stella Center at 926 Elizabeth Ave. in Uptown Charlotte. The keynote speaker of the event will be Maria Pacheco, who will discuss the Wakami Village Program.
The program works with rural women in poverty to create small businesses that produce fashion accessories sold globally. The income earned allows women and their families to invest in other components such as education, nutrition, clean air and clean water necessary to support their path out of poverty.
The evening will also include a film, “Ixcanul,” which provides insights into the circumstances and lives of poverty in rural Guatemala from a teenage girl’s perspective. Pacheco will describe solutions she and her team have developed through the Wakami program. The Charlotte Film Society is presenting the film. There is no cost to attend and those planning to attend please email names of attendees to For more information please contact John Quinn at 704-819-0919 or