May 27. The church is holding an outdoor service on its large front lawn 10 am May 31 with social distancing.
Worshippers should bring their our own chair or blanket to sit on, but no umbrellas since those might block the view of others. You will also have the option to remain in your car and listen to the service on your FM radio.
Since May 31 is Pentecost, you are encouraged to wear red, orange, or yellow.
The Rev. Jonathan Marlowe outlined this guidance:

Mt. Zion United Methodist Church will hold outdoor worship on its front lawn, weather permitting.
“The primary rule we want to emphasize at this time is the mandatory rule of social distancing. We must at all times keep at least 6 feet away from all people except for those in our family.
“If you have little ones who would not understand and practice the rule of social distancing, we recommend that you simply stay at home and watch the service online.
“You will not be allowed in the church building, even to use the bathroom, so if you think this will be a problem for you or your family, please stay at home and watch the service online.
“We also recommend using some sort of face covering if possible, although we recognize that some do not feel comfortable or are not able to do so. The CDC has recommended face covering in situations where you cannot practice social distancing, but if you practice social distancing, the face covering is not mandatory.
“There will be special boxes where you can drop off your offering. Of course, if we have bad weather on a Sun- day morning, we will notify people by email and Facebook that there will be no outdoor service, and people will be encouraged to watch the service online.”
Beginning May 31, the online service will be live at 8:30 am and broadcast on the church website and Facebook Live. You can watch the service live or later.
Other news
* Graduate Recognition Sunday will be held June 7 during an outdoor worship service on the front lawn at 10 am. All graduates are encouraged to wear caps and gowns and gather on the steps of the Sanctuary at 9:45 am for a “social distancing” picture.
If the outdoor worship service is cancelled because of rain, graduates will come inside the Sanctuary after the picture and tape a brief service of recognition and celebration that will be available online.
* Sonshine Preschool hosted a “Drive-By Graduation” for the 4-year-olds on May 20. Pomp and circumstance played while decorated cars drove under the breezeway and children received their caps, tassels and graduation certificates. An “End of Year” drive by was also held on May 22 for families to come and pick up their child’s personal belongings, schoolwork, artwork and end of year gifts.
* Vacation Bible School will not be held this summer.